Wayne Allen


Head Shots


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Bald/Brown
Eyes: Hazel


Although I look intimidating with a bull dog face, I am a professional with years of experience on big productions including such shows as "Ray Donovan", "Sons of Anarchy", and in music videos for artists such as Jucy J.

My Skills

Tattoo Artist, Illustrator, Krav Maga (Martial Arts), Baseball, Football, Volleyball, Kick Boxing, Boxing, Driving Skills, Comedy, Joke Writer, Hiking, Running, Dancing

My Resume


Tony Barr - School for Acting 2011-2013
Max Decker - Actor Studio 2014-2016


"Katy Perry music video" (2019) - Bulldog.
“Haunting of the La Loranna” (2019) - Creepy Al
“Macglitcy music video” (2019) - bare knuckle fighter
“Bob” (2018 ) -Lead
“Truth” (2018) - DEA agent Marcus
“Weinersnitchel Commercial” (2018) - Tattooer
“A Story to Tell” (2018) - Dem
“Gong Gong” Korean Commercial (2018)- Big Burger Manager
“Sobashen” Music Video (2018) - Judge Hatcher
“Wombat” Music Video (2018) - Drug Dealer
“Video Game Music Video” (2018) - Restaurant Manager
“Mission City” Pilot (2018) - Bandit #1
"Night Driver"(2016) - Ace
"Nick Henson - Where You Are" (2016) - Gangster #2
"Battle Creek"(2015) - Gangster #1
"Ray Donovan"(2015) - Supporting Extra
"Sons of Anarchy"(2015) - Supporting Extra
"Juicy J - U Can't" (2015) - Tattoo Artist
" #30nods" (2015) - Seven
"Meth Monster"(2014) - Main
"Goodnight Tattoo" (2014) - Intro
"Happy Birthday" (2014) - Grape
"Edge of Normal" (2014) - Dwayne Murphy "Betrayed"(2013)- Bar Tendor
"Monkey"(2013) - Skinhead Duke Rufuss

Contact Me

Los Angeles, CA

Phone: (209) 581-7625

Email: waynedallen1977@gmail.com

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6251876/